Wednesday 19 June 2019

my amazing profie video

kia-ora Arlo here this is my blog profile I am very proud of it and we did it during cybersmart when we were making a postive digital footprint.  my favorite bit was making the music on increadibox.
 enjoy  ☺😊😁😃😂😑😑😯😀😁

how to make toffee

Hello, my name is Arlo welcome back this is how to make toffee.

TOOLS                                                                               ingredients 
stove                                                                                 palm sugar
pot                                                                                      water
wooden spoon                                                               flavouring  (optional)                                                 tongs         
                                        note: this might not be exactly correct plz check another recipe

1. cut the palm sugar with a knife into small is pieces
2. turn the stove on high
3. put the water into the pot
4. place the pot on the stove
5. wait 3 seconds and then put the palm sugar in
6. stir it a little bit with the wooden spoon
7. after a while the chunks should look gooey
8. take it out carefully with tongs and eat it 

Wednesday 12 June 2019


hello again and welcome to my blog, did you know that mercury has only had one spacecraft go there? well now you do.
check out these links:
Image result for mercurymercury facts
10 facts

blog you later, Arlo