Thursday 15 October 2020

Kelly sports

 Hola everyone yesterday kauri team went to the field for kelly sports

What happened

we went in rotations to go to activities variing from jumping in hoops to dodgeball...

It took almost half the entire 6 hours that is school time and then there was another few classes doing it so thanks to all the coachs for being there for the whole day. 

My favourite bit?

You want to know my favourite part? of course you don't

The most fun activity was as the end it is called "rob the nest"- if you don't know what rob the nest is i will tell you the basics: there a multiple hoops on the ground which represent your teams "nest" and a big nest in the middle of them all, the each team sends small groups to rob the big nest and after all the cones, bean bags and balls are gone from the big nest everyone from every team steal from each other...

once the time is up whoever has the most objects wins!

hope that was an explanation

Whats your favourite sport?

adios amigos,-Arlo