Tuesday 17 November 2020

What is clickbait?

 Hola everyone, I'm back and have enlarged my big brain a little bit more. While on Wonderpolis I found out how to identifiy clickbait. Incase you live under are rock clickbait is a link or headline that is supposed to get you to read the article. Why is this bad? when you look at a page or website that particular one get a "view" So some small brain decided to create a website where you  click and then leave because its bad and probably has nothing to do with "get a free ice cream". People want "views" so advertisers give them money to show their ads. Whats worse they could spread fake news and misinfomation.

The best way to not get fooled is if it sounds too good to be true then it is.

What is the stupidest lie you have ever told?

Adios amigo,- ArloFake News Game Trump Edition | Stocking Fillers | Shut the Front Door –  Shut the Front Door (NZ) Ltd

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Arlo. I love the way you have written your blog post. It tells me you have a good sense of humour. The small brain thing could maybe upset some people don't you think? I remember telling a lie to get out of gardening duty at school but I got found out and now I try to never lie. Do you think fake news is always just to get money?


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