Thursday 3 December 2020

The megalodon

 Did you know that the "megalo" in Megalodon means stuff like grand, large or even great? It also Is found in "megalopolis"

Hola everyone my name is Arlo and today I am going to show you my writing about this picture:

Its a bit of a stretch but I am pretty proud if it

Here it is:

What had he been thinking?

Aiden shouted frantically

“all hands on deck!... It's coming”, He started to panic as the first signs of impending doom

started to show.- Blood red water  swarmed

around his boat, a loud screech

echoed about, and worse of all the clock struck midnight. Large bubbles crackled and popped under the full moon,

a crunch sounded below deck.

As the boat threatened to capsize a large mouth appeared.

And the legend themselves showed their face-


Adios amigos,-Arlo

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