Friday 2 August 2019

film festival

Hello, it's Arlo and I have just come back from film festival with the rest of Kauri team and some other schools. It was in the Civic Theatre and in total there was 14 short films (some very short) and though none of them were great my favourite was called workout where they started with someone jumping then somebody else pulling a weight and ended with a fat man running on a treadmill with another person wiping his bottom with a towel and it was FUNNY!  😂


  1. Hi Arlo,
    It's Alodia from room 8. I like how you described what the workout was about. You know, I also liked the workout film quite a lot as well! Maybe next time you do something like this, you could add a video or something.

  2. Hi alodia, oh and I could not do a video because that was not provided.
    anyway blog you later, @rl0


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