Wednesday 25 September 2019

writing t3 w10

Image result for number 28 robotSomewhere during midnight the minorly
withered android at the size of an
average skyscraper shoved through
the structures as they shattered like glass.
 The horror struck people watched
with terror as their hard work and property crumbled, 
Some ran and screamed in alarm
while some sat and streamed a video.
Others just as  petrified as each
other, and the parents children thought it was
a virtual reality. As they stared,
each of its colossal limbs
and body tugged down main street causing destruction and panic.
it was 1am when the children figured out that this was real and the clanks and whirrs
went louder as he edged nearer and nearer. Soon enough his arm extended dramatically his chest opened
up and while the metallic trap door opened up a shiny gold ring with ancient but glowing looking cravings
peeked out in between a swirly hypnotising wormhole coloured black and purple blinked in to existence at
that very moment, and people started launching their highest quality drones to see it better.
The air force fired their most powerful blasters and rockets no knowing what else to do taking out not even a
scratch on the animatronic beast.
news reporters were all over the scene one even tried to interview it climbing on aboard
the robot everyone was watching but it did not end well when people realised what was on the hieroglyphics
and carvings. It was the robot destroying... THEM! and they noticed something slinking along the
carvings, and they guessed it was just a nightmare. Checking their watches to know how close it was to
morning as they checked the time shifted to 2:59 they came to the conclusion that time was moving to
slowly for a mere dream this... was... real!
then very loud and imaginative child pointed out "that looks abnormal it could be alien" as he arrowed his
finger toward the a moving thing on the ring. His friends at his sleep over started shivering, for it was
10 seconds to 3am- the witching hour. As soon as the brink of 3 o'clock arised creatures came from the
ground creeping towards their houses. They screamed they were coming towards them! the robot
destroyed their places and buildings then shoving them into the portal then their doors crumbled the
monsters creeped closer and then suddenly it was the day before but nothing happened.
this was a mystery to all.
(i might update it)

Friday 20 September 2019

hello and here is a fact file of king arthur.

my birthday

HELLO everybody and guess what. It is my birthday!
so yeah that's pretty much it.🐺

Thursday 19 September 2019

hallo everybody and yeah the rumors are true I did a on king arthur. wait there's no rumors?!
^ I am pretty sure thats african (it said in a dictionary) here it is

Monday 16 September 2019

cultural groups

kia ora everyone and if you are at Owairaka  you should know we are doing cultural groups.
(groups were you learn about other dances from cultures and then perform them)
this year I am in the African group and we are still deciding what to do.
we will probably dance to a story which obviously will be an African one.
I will update the subject when we do more.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

word art

so yeah as you can see the is some word art up there.
obviously it is about Bruce McLaren and  yeah that's pretty much it.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Bruce Mclaren

Kia ora everyone My name is Arlo and I... have... done basic stuff you would do at school and that includes writing🐺 oh yeah here it is.
"That should do it" I sighed. even though I should be happy that I just fixed tattered car but the weather had been horrible for the last few days, but it had not been all bad since I entered the new competition about 2 days ago hence why I fixed this car oh and by the way my name is Mclaren, Bruce Mclaren and I love cars since I was as small as 4 years old I have collected toy cars and watched races so I have decided to enter a race a
hill climb to be exact which starts in a weeks time.
okay so I am in the race trying to get comfy in this car and this person is... are you kidding me the race is starting in a minute and someone is cleaning my window?
how annoying I cleaned it multiple times and now there is no light through the front window "hey dude!" a shouted "your making it worse"

"no I am cleaning it" a strange voice replied as he wiped it all off. Still there is so many bubbles I can't see! wait now he expects me to pay him urgh I was saving that for a future victory party! what an idiot I thought.
so I have finished the race and woo hoo I did well sadly not enough for a party but man it felt good to speed past others. I will join another race in a months time but I am caught up in so much stuff I have no time.

WOW! this this thing is old maybe I should take it for another spin.
It had been 2 years since I did the hill climb and 2 years since a drove this thing.
okay I have entered another race and it does look tough to beat good thing I am practising.
Now I am in the other race and oh that's the- "Ready.. set.. go!" said a voice
and there I was IT felt like a natural instinct to put the pedal to the metal and pull the brake I do not drive the fastest car the world but I do have the skill to drive it.
The race turning out to be quite long , the feeling when I drive swiftly through the track is all I can think about when racing -along with the competition that is.
While we approached with great speed I noticed with the of my eye a man eyeing me looking impressed, but it was kinda weird.
6 years later:
wow it has been a while since I did a race, and of course I entered one because why not!
the race has finished!, but as I got out of my new car a man named jack Brabham- an Australian said " nice driving there eh mate!"
and from then on people saw me driving well entered a few grand Prixs and raced more eventually I ended up being hired by that jack guy from earlier,
and later that year I won the united states grand Prix and I am the youngest to win one too.
in 1965 I left cooper late in the year.
I have announced my own racing team and we won a few grand pries.
after that I was in spa racing my own car named after me.
and then the year after we succeeded the championships and then-
I died in a car crash 😢.

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Bruce Mclaren

Hello  everyone I have just made a fact file of Bruce Mclaren.
here it is.

Monday 2 September 2019

Bruce Mclaren

hello again and I did a genially of Bruce Mclaren.🐺 Have you ever done done a let me know.
and also click this link to see it.

Kate Sheppard flip grid

Hello🐺 everyone and welcome to my blog!     And if you know me I love flip grid. do you like to use flip grid let me know in the comments anyway click this link to see it.