Friday 20 March 2020

week 6 writing 1

Hello, my name is Arlo and I have just finished my writing. Here it is:

Ring ring! The pirate in  the crows nest chimed the bell. The dings made me jump and crash into someone and triggered the crew to fall like dominoes. I'm still swabbing the decks until I get a good rank then the captain calls my name “ James Bugginton” (yes that is my name) I turn shivering “get a sword we have got company” as soon as the first letter of sword was spoken my heart leaped and my brain was confused- but I did not challenge his words. Turning around I saw the enemy ship. It was crowded and if we fell into the water we might die of frostbite, I put the thought to the back of my mind as I headed to the armoury. There I chose a sword decorated with seashells and seaweed. I spotted the enemys again as they peeked out from behind an iceberg next to them I swear I saw dolphins, on our ship that is supposed to mean good luck. but now It was time; time to prepare for another invasion; time to seek out new lands; time to conquer. 
adios amigos,-Arlo

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