Wednesday 26 August 2020

Lockdown writing 2


I jolt upright, darkness surrounds me like a blanket. As the smell of soil floods my nostrils I realise I am underground. How could I, Gerihard the golem end up in a cave? Well even with no brain I am not stupid enough to not use my strong andesite arms to get out of this mess. A low rumbling noise shakes the roof of my dirt prison as I push upwards. lifting myself up and gasping for breath. I study my surroundings. The trees are anew. Up ahead I spot a black path with a new breed of horse all boxy and shiny. Inside the horses are humans! Where am I? When am I?


Friday 21 August 2020


 My jet had started beeping and a glowing blue image expanded to a 3d holographic message... it was my commander. 

"You should be heading up to the sector 219 in a second".                                                      

"Roger that" I replied.

In the distance I can make out a faint shadow through the mist- a towering labrinth guarded by who knows how many storm troopers. Suddenly a red light flashes and seems to be getting ...bigger? Closer. An ear splitting zap and crunch tells me that the hull has been damaged. I take some deep breaths and whisper to myself not to panic while several more buffeting lasers leave a huge crack in my cockpit window. My ship is tilting downwards. Tugging the control lever as hard as I can isn't helping. The dusty grey ground expands as I am being engulfed with fog. What have I got myself into?
