Monday 30 November 2020

Eel quiz

 Welcome back!

Today we have a animation/quiz to test your enviromental knowledge. It took about 3 weeks or more of work because we did not have enough time after week 1. I did this with my friends Tamati and Rutva

here it is!

what is your favourite sea creature?
adios amigos,- Arlo

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Weekly dilemma

 Hola everyone and yet Again I have been on kiwi kids news. This time I will try blogging about the weekly dilemma. The weekly dilemma is a random poll based on your opinions.

So today lets do cats verses dogs.

The way we will do it on this blog is your click the boxes below that say 

Ka-pai= dog

proud of you= cat

I would go dog because I have never had a cat. 

Original article: link

Tell me your reasons!

Adios amigos,-Arlo

Thursday 19 November 2020

Lil nas x concert

 Hola everyone its Arlo and I have read a small article about roblox and the Lil nas X consert.

I personally did not go because A: probably wasn't a New Zealand freindly time and B: I did not care

Link to article
Whats your favourite song?
Adios amigos,-Arlo

Tuesday 17 November 2020

What is clickbait?

 Hola everyone, I'm back and have enlarged my big brain a little bit more. While on Wonderpolis I found out how to identifiy clickbait. Incase you live under are rock clickbait is a link or headline that is supposed to get you to read the article. Why is this bad? when you look at a page or website that particular one get a "view" So some small brain decided to create a website where you  click and then leave because its bad and probably has nothing to do with "get a free ice cream". People want "views" so advertisers give them money to show their ads. Whats worse they could spread fake news and misinfomation.

The best way to not get fooled is if it sounds too good to be true then it is.

What is the stupidest lie you have ever told?

Adios amigo,- ArloFake News Game Trump Edition | Stocking Fillers | Shut the Front Door –  Shut the Front Door (NZ) Ltd

Friday 13 November 2020


 Hola everyone! I'm back and you didn't miss me.

Anyway we have finished athletics but that was ages ago... but now I need to blog about it great :(

Lovelock track is across the park from owairaka so we all walked there.

Boys started off with doing things like high jump and discus and girls did races then we swapped.

Did I come first in anything? No. Did I do well in anything? Well yes but acually no.

I don't like sport whatsoever... but hey I got a photo

That is always funny!
What is your favourite thing to do outside?

adios amigos,-Arlo

Wednesday 11 November 2020


 Hola everyone Its Arlo and I have been giving some tasks to do with my visit to camp...                                It was a bit of a struggle to get done but atleast there was only four  things I needed to do.

As always here they are!

(Camp news)

(A pixelart of my Kayaking lesson with rutva)

(A poem about something at camp)

Cannot sleep                                 

After Dark,


Problematic roommates are



Gonna lie

(Putting particular words in a sentence and finding out what they mean)

I can feel the adrenaline rush through my body as I race down the hill. Although I had protective equipment on I was still so fearful writing couldn’t captivate how fast my heart was beating. 

Speeding in slow motion, I look down at the scenery below spotting small details in the rotation in the waves I kept my face straight and courageous so I don’t get laughed at when 

Come back.

Mountain board

What do you think when someone says "Camp"?

Adios amigos,-Arlo



Lion poo


Whats the weirdist thing you have heard this lockdown?
Adios amigos,-Arlo

(click the image for a link to kiwi kids news where I got the info)

Friday 6 November 2020

onomatopeia poem

 Hold its me again today I have created a onomatopeia poem about the chug jug 

(the best healing item in fortnite) It took me all out five to seven minutes to finish proof reading and then showing a buddy...

I thoroughly enjoyed making it because of the freedom of creativity.

Here it is: 

Popping cap as the lid comes off

Colourful liquid splashing as it shifts

Flipped around with a trembling thud

Gushing into open mouth



Whats the best onomatopeia word you can think of?

Adios amigos,-Arlo