Monday 16 December 2019

2019 post

Hello everyone this will be my last post for the year, but I am year 5 of course and I will be posting next year.
I would like to say thank you to my friends this year- Rory, Hood, Zudais, Tamati, Cole, Nicholas and Byesion, I would also like to thank my teacher Ms. Burt along with all the staff.

some of my favourite memories of 2019 are...

Garden to Table                                                        
and obviously playtime along with
Swimming Term 4 because of free timeπŸ˜‚
and Choose Tuesday (specifically heroes of aka-ria-wo so thank you mr. greenfield)
goodbye and
Happy 2020 Everyone!

Wednesday 11 December 2019

summer learning journey teaser week

This week is the teaser week of the summer learning journey. and the clocks ticking to the real deal.⌚
to start I have to make up 5 words like roald dahl does.
1. smeth (smelly breath)
2. Iro-ent (ironic event)
3. barferry (a berry that makes you feel sick)πŸ“
4. hicurrps (hiccups and burps at the same time)
5. treet (tripping on your own foot)
What do you guys think? Do you have some made up words?
Tell me in the comments.

Thursday 28 November 2019

family fun night

Hello everyone, at Owairaka district school once a year we have Family Fun Night where we perform our cultural groups for the second time, play games and have face paint.
We also used to have a pokemon card trading table and raffle but that only lasted for a year before they took it out. Since this is before it has happened this year I will post about it again.
I am excited for Family Fun Night

Friday 15 November 2019

ocean animation

hello again, and here is my animation about the ocean and it took 2 days to make.

Thursday 14 November 2019

The GREAT drain game

Hello everybody this week on wednesday we went to tread lightly.
Tread lightly is about learning what goes down our drain.
There was 3 activities the first that my group did was looking
around the school for drains we nearly found 30!
The second, was learning what should go where. We were given stuff like fake urine and had to put it somewhere (obviously the toilet) then beneath that there was a model of a suburban town and sometimes the water goes to the river and sometimes the wastewater treatment plant.
the last one we learned how wetland clean water, they can clean a little bit of water in under 1 min!
last there was a short V.R experience.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

paper planes!!!

for the past 2 weeks we have been doing paper plane research and statistics.
we asked the question on what the best design is.
link to my groups blogs:
bilal                                        link to the site i found out how to make paper planes
anyway my plane was completely and utterly the WORST that's right mine was really bad.

time traveller

today I did some writing about this image

Worn out the tired man strolled down a dystopian future and looked around, while he cleared his mind to remember what he had to do.

Old fashion boots took him to a clear area to time travel, for his magical clock was about to move one thousand two hundred and sixty nine years into the past taking him with it. 
Incase you have not noticed the clock was the key to everything; the key to moving through time and space. About to blink out of this existence he knew what he had to do.

Tuesday 12 November 2019

The deep

hello everyone and welcome to my blog, today I wrote a paragraph on a picture called the deep.

The splosh infiltrated his ears, but that did not stop his epic descent into the big blue.

Looking up at the beams of light diving in to join him. When he looked down to view the rays that supposedly roam here total shock filled his petrified body. Although he was paralysed it was not the stingrays doing it,- but fear that something was lurking beneath him. 
As he started to regret his idea to swim here the amateur snorkeler did the technique s.s.s 
(splashed, screamed and scrammed) back onto the boat and swore never to dive again.

Monday 11 November 2019


For green week we had to answer some questions about the ocean.
this is my knowledge and let me know if I got something wrong.

a new beginning

His reflective eyes opened slowly, since the first crackles appeared on the egg.
Little reptilian legs pushed on the cracks and the pieces bursted out the other side.
Staring at his surroundings as soft wind blew rust-red sand on his face.
His shell peeked through the large fissure while his scales shimmered in the morning sun.
He looked to the plastic free waves, for its epic journey was only the beginning.

Monday 4 November 2019

t4 w1 writing

three weeks ago, I did a story with three paragraphs and based on these pictures. The red was a requirement for each paragraph.

Anxiously zeg laid his batted head on what felt to be a mossy rock and took a deep breath, for he fell off a cliff. The ledge was steep and with untrustworthy rails of which had broken during a midnight hike a has scars all over his knees and the night seemed to last forever. He drew his torch as if it were a sword and his finger just managed to find the soft red button to turn it on. 
Since his friend dared him to go on a stone rich walk at midnight, and caused him to lose balance and fall. He spotted a brown aged book 
With a spine lined with pure gold, Checking his watch it said 2:58 he picked up the book it was way heavier than he thought suddenly started floating and opened to a random page and it illuminated just to read out on its own “at 3:00am the crow will come make you a phantom just like himself” he was near some ruins- dark ruins
Zeg needed to go... -now! Time was running out! He only had a matter of minutes. It is time to go...
The book started to flap its papers as if it was living zeg decided it probably was living. he ran the only way he could the ruins. He scramed to a door that requires a key and at that very moment a golden tube zipped around through the doors in the side and the book chased after it. She had been chasing it all day. Now, the crow had it. When zeg scurried around to find it the crow on a steampunk clock dripping with ectoplasm, and the book flipped pages to reveal a cursed. Since he hesitated, he got a magic slap on the face and so he muttered the words and with a blink of existence the key was his and the crow was no more.
He drew the key from his pocket and inserted it into the door. With a strong crank and rusty screech's it revealed a shallow ocean with a trail of feathers- the crows feathers she embarked on a journey across the ocean well that's what it seemed to have happened. Zeg stepped out and turns back and saw the door but no structure suddenly he heard a rumble, for a tsunami formed before his very eyes he ran the other direction. He goosebumps formed on his bare skin and shivered, since the ocean opened to a to a dull void and he was dead meat, the only thing to do was take a leap of faith. He fell for hours upon hours and landed on the tent he camped in but he did not die, nor did he break anything he question this his whole life.

Thursday 17 October 2019

pie graphs

hello everyone, recently we have been doing pie graphs.
pie graphs are graphs shaped like a circle with slices to show what we like and don't like or something such as that.

Tuesday 15 October 2019


I made this and it took about a hour it is about how in the holidays I went to the snow storm experience in christchurch and got really cold.      feedback please.

my great grandads birthday

my sleep filled eyes opened to find myself on a bed that was pretty uncomfortable. I realised I was in dunedin then remembering the 6 or 7 days in the south island (previously christchurch) I stood up to fetch my ipad to watch youtube later I obviously ate breakfast as my grandma told me to stop wasting internet.
My cousin enda who also arrived from auckland to celebrate my great grandads 90th birthday came into the house.
We got in the car my grandma and grandad hired around 10:00 it was a annoying car because the bonnet keeps opening and I even had to fix the cars mirror! We drove down to my second cousin's old school and where another family member works.
 when arrived we entered a kitchen as my brain screamed "If this is only going to be in a kitchen it should count as a try not to be bored contest!". then we were led into the school hall and sports area my sister, enda and I wanted something to do something we ran quite anxiously to the hall we stepped in and stared at the kids (all of which are my cousins) were playing with dodgeballs and basketballs I jumped into there and declared a game of matrix!
As I set up four cones to make a rectangle for the person whos in to go well in. I explained that they had to dodge the ball and the person who is in has to stay in the rectangle.
After a while we were called by a police in our family to pull a joke on our great grandad we all dressed up as police and made siren sounds down the hall and into the kitchen we handcuffed him as I interrogated our great grandad.
everybody had fun when we got back to the hall our second cousin tried to use the microphone and I played with the volume a little bit :p that was funny.
Then we had cake the spectacular colours and design was amazing it had purple, brown and green books stacked on top of each other as if it was a messy library.
Then, mum and I flipped the white board with a strange drawing and a greetings to great grandad george to reveal a script for a song to sing for my grandad.
 later, after my incredible singing and my sister's "amazing" dance moves we finished up and playing ended so we left.
when we got to the holiday house my robot wars obsessed cousin and I played robot wars with two other cousins from the party.
later, Arlo

Wednesday 25 September 2019

writing t3 w10

Image result for number 28 robotSomewhere during midnight the minorly
withered android at the size of an
average skyscraper shoved through
the structures as they shattered like glass.
 The horror struck people watched
with terror as their hard work and property crumbled, 
Some ran and screamed in alarm
while some sat and streamed a video.
Others just as  petrified as each
other, and the parents children thought it was
a virtual reality. As they stared,
each of its colossal limbs
and body tugged down main street causing destruction and panic.
it was 1am when the children figured out that this was real and the clanks and whirrs
went louder as he edged nearer and nearer. Soon enough his arm extended dramatically his chest opened
up and while the metallic trap door opened up a shiny gold ring with ancient but glowing looking cravings
peeked out in between a swirly hypnotising wormhole coloured black and purple blinked in to existence at
that very moment, and people started launching their highest quality drones to see it better.
The air force fired their most powerful blasters and rockets no knowing what else to do taking out not even a
scratch on the animatronic beast.
news reporters were all over the scene one even tried to interview it climbing on aboard
the robot everyone was watching but it did not end well when people realised what was on the hieroglyphics
and carvings. It was the robot destroying... THEM! and they noticed something slinking along the
carvings, and they guessed it was just a nightmare. Checking their watches to know how close it was to
morning as they checked the time shifted to 2:59 they came to the conclusion that time was moving to
slowly for a mere dream this... was... real!
then very loud and imaginative child pointed out "that looks abnormal it could be alien" as he arrowed his
finger toward the a moving thing on the ring. His friends at his sleep over started shivering, for it was
10 seconds to 3am- the witching hour. As soon as the brink of 3 o'clock arised creatures came from the
ground creeping towards their houses. They screamed they were coming towards them! the robot
destroyed their places and buildings then shoving them into the portal then their doors crumbled the
monsters creeped closer and then suddenly it was the day before but nothing happened.
this was a mystery to all.
(i might update it)

Friday 20 September 2019

hello and here is a fact file of king arthur.

my birthday

HELLO everybody and guess what. It is my birthday!
so yeah that's pretty much it.🐺

Thursday 19 September 2019

hallo everybody and yeah the rumors are true I did a on king arthur. wait there's no rumors?!
^ I am pretty sure thats african (it said in a dictionary) here it is

Monday 16 September 2019

cultural groups

kia ora everyone and if you are at Owairaka  you should know we are doing cultural groups.
(groups were you learn about other dances from cultures and then perform them)
this year I am in the African group and we are still deciding what to do.
we will probably dance to a story which obviously will be an African one.
I will update the subject when we do more.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

word art

so yeah as you can see the is some word art up there.
obviously it is about Bruce McLaren and  yeah that's pretty much it.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Bruce Mclaren

Kia ora everyone My name is Arlo and I... have... done basic stuff you would do at school and that includes writing🐺 oh yeah here it is.
"That should do it" I sighed. even though I should be happy that I just fixed tattered car but the weather had been horrible for the last few days, but it had not been all bad since I entered the new competition about 2 days ago hence why I fixed this car oh and by the way my name is Mclaren, Bruce Mclaren and I love cars since I was as small as 4 years old I have collected toy cars and watched races so I have decided to enter a race a
hill climb to be exact which starts in a weeks time.
okay so I am in the race trying to get comfy in this car and this person is... are you kidding me the race is starting in a minute and someone is cleaning my window?
how annoying I cleaned it multiple times and now there is no light through the front window "hey dude!" a shouted "your making it worse"

"no I am cleaning it" a strange voice replied as he wiped it all off. Still there is so many bubbles I can't see! wait now he expects me to pay him urgh I was saving that for a future victory party! what an idiot I thought.
so I have finished the race and woo hoo I did well sadly not enough for a party but man it felt good to speed past others. I will join another race in a months time but I am caught up in so much stuff I have no time.

WOW! this this thing is old maybe I should take it for another spin.
It had been 2 years since I did the hill climb and 2 years since a drove this thing.
okay I have entered another race and it does look tough to beat good thing I am practising.
Now I am in the other race and oh that's the- "Ready.. set.. go!" said a voice
and there I was IT felt like a natural instinct to put the pedal to the metal and pull the brake I do not drive the fastest car the world but I do have the skill to drive it.
The race turning out to be quite long , the feeling when I drive swiftly through the track is all I can think about when racing -along with the competition that is.
While we approached with great speed I noticed with the of my eye a man eyeing me looking impressed, but it was kinda weird.
6 years later:
wow it has been a while since I did a race, and of course I entered one because why not!
the race has finished!, but as I got out of my new car a man named jack Brabham- an Australian said " nice driving there eh mate!"
and from then on people saw me driving well entered a few grand Prixs and raced more eventually I ended up being hired by that jack guy from earlier,
and later that year I won the united states grand Prix and I am the youngest to win one too.
in 1965 I left cooper late in the year.
I have announced my own racing team and we won a few grand pries.
after that I was in spa racing my own car named after me.
and then the year after we succeeded the championships and then-
I died in a car crash 😒.

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Bruce Mclaren

Hello  everyone I have just made a fact file of Bruce Mclaren.
here it is.

Monday 2 September 2019

Bruce Mclaren

hello again and I did a genially of Bruce Mclaren.🐺 Have you ever done done a let me know.
and also click this link to see it.

Kate Sheppard flip grid

Hello🐺 everyone and welcome to my blog!     And if you know me I love flip grid. do you like to use flip grid let me know in the comments anyway click this link to see it.

Thursday 29 August 2019

Kate Sheppard story board

Hello everyone!🐺
so I have just finished a story board of Kate Sheppard and her journey to make women able to vote in NZ see below for fake diary.
and as always enjoy!

Wednesday 28 August 2019

kate sheppard writing

Hello everyone and I have done some writing on kate sheppard,
of course E^j0Y 🐺
Dear diary my name is Katherine Malcolm but I call myself Kate. The boat to that place the first men there call aratroha or maybe it was artearoha, I don't know, the boat was supposed to leave at ten sharp we got there at nine-thirty. My mum does not like to be late okay better to go to bed now.

*weeks past*
It has been a while since I wrote in here we have just gotten of the the boat about week ago. Just like great Britain the women do not get the vote I also figured out that it is called Aotearoa anyway I will just get some rest.
Dear diary
do you think it is unfair that us women are not allowed to vote?
I do and I think it is time to act!
do books have genders?
I wish you could answer me.
Dear diary
Mary Levitt told me about the Temperance Union which is an American organisation to stop people drinking alcohol which I agree with seeing it's a drug.

Hello diary
Got to be quick here got to go am leading a protest for the wtcu's and signing a petition to support our rights goodbye.
That went well with over 9,000 signatures and I am going to do more!
well there were two more petitions that did well.

Dear diary
It's been ages since I wrote in you since then I got a women's page in a magazine to support the wtcu's cause amazing right oh and I just gave out another petition with 32,000 or more signatures.

Dear diary
It is september 19th 1893 and the government is going to make a announcement... waiting... waiting... this may take a while... waiting...
wait whats that huh yeah sorry talking to someone wait Yes we won the right to vote this is the best day of my life!

Thursday 22 August 2019

Kate Sheppard

Kate Sheppard was the leader to give women the vote in NZ a very long time ago.
here is some of the questions about her that I answered tell me if I got some wrong.

THE LINK.        press me🐺  

cyber smart maps

Hello, as we do cyber smart every week here's an update on on the subject.

we have been using google my maps to locate some of the schools we blog on.

Thursday 15 August 2019

my storyboard

Hi, I made a story board sorry I can't draw on the chrome book.

story of sir Edmund Hillary

Oh no i'm late!" I shouted I got into my car and drove off I got to mt. Everest
when I got there I ran up to see the others it took us a while to get to the first camp through the thick trees. It was dusk when we got to camp everyone was tired. There were rumours that said it took 2 months to get to the top and back. Shivering at the thought I ate up and fell asleep. Waking up was hard but as we trotted up further we set camps took them down I even woke up under the tent due to sleeping in. 3 weeks past we all started seeing signs of snow and the camps got shivering cold after that morning some of the older people maybe aged 40-60 went back down because of Arthritis.
a few more cold days past snow infiltrated our boots all of the rest went back down my heart beat faster than ever our be the first one to the top! it was then a shiver went down my spine with the thought i'm doing this all alone but then i heard a voice "are you worried Hillary?" I realised there is still Tenzing Norgay only a few hours to go we trooped up the rest my heart started pounding "I see the top" I hollered with joy and with that I raced to the top and planted the new Zealand flag with pride I Edmund Percival Hillary with Tenzing Norgay Tenzing grinned. when we got back down I explained that I did not do it alone but they didn't listen poor Norgay I thought people started giving me money but then I eyed the poor people with no homes because there was not enough so I spent my money on homes and schools so we can have more people with education and homes. For that I was knighted sir Edmund Hillary.

Friday 9 August 2019

sir Edmund Hillary timeline

This is a timeline of sir Edmund Hillary's life.

sir Edmund Hillary

Here is a sir Edmund Hillary picture showing questions I had to answer.

sir Edmund Hillary

I have done a lot of work on sir Edmund Hillary here is some of my work on him.
click this link to see my flipgrid.~~~>  click plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope you enjoy!

Thursday 8 August 2019

writing t3

Hello, my name is Arlo and we have been doing quite a bit of writing.
here is one of my rewritten version of some sick sentences.
sick sentence:     
As the tired climber looked at the mountain ahead of him he said to his friend I am not sure I can go on. His friend looked at him and said we can not stay here it is too dangerous. George then said to Rebecca I think that maybe we should head back down to the hut. With a nod of her head, they both turned around and slowly walked back down the way they had come.

my version
George was exhausted as he gazed at the peak of the mountain in the cold morning air. He had just managed to whisper “it’s too tiring” to rebecca can we have a break rebecca examined the sky ahead “its to dangerous the wind we will blow of the mountain!” explained rebecca. George then had an idea and suggested that they go down to the hut With a nod from rebecca they both carefully headed back down.

please give me some feed back!

Friday 2 August 2019

film festival

Hello, it's Arlo and I have just come back from film festival with the rest of Kauri team and some other schools. It was in the Civic Theatre and in total there was 14 short films (some very short) and though none of them were great my favourite was called workout where they started with someone jumping then somebody else pulling a weight and ended with a fat man running on a treadmill with another person wiping his bottom with a towel and it was FUNNY!  πŸ˜‚

Wednesday 19 June 2019

my amazing profie video

kia-ora Arlo here this is my blog profile I am very proud of it and we did it during cybersmart when we were making a postive digital footprint.  my favorite bit was making the music on increadibox.
 enjoy  ☺πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜―πŸ˜€πŸ˜

how to make toffee

Hello, my name is Arlo welcome back this is how to make toffee.

TOOLS                                                                               ingredients 
stove                                                                                 palm sugar
pot                                                                                      water
wooden spoon                                                               flavouring  (optional)                                                 tongs         
                                        note: this might not be exactly correct plz check another recipe

1. cut the palm sugar with a knife into small is pieces
2. turn the stove on high
3. put the water into the pot
4. place the pot on the stove
5. wait 3 seconds and then put the palm sugar in
6. stir it a little bit with the wooden spoon
7. after a while the chunks should look gooey
8. take it out carefully with tongs and eat it 

Wednesday 12 June 2019


hello again and welcome to my blog, did you know that mercury has only had one spacecraft go there? well now you do.
check out these links:
Image result for mercurymercury facts
10 facts

blog you later, Arlo